Entrepreneurial environment
Cphbusiness’ entrepreneurial environment
– For enterprising minds.
Are you thinking about becoming an entrepreneur? Is your head bursting with business ideas, or perhaps you are already running your own company?
Whatever stage you are at, Cphbusiness has something for you.
As an educational institution, Cphbusiness doesn’t just want to educate its students for existing jobs – we want to enable you to start your own enterprise. Therefore, it’s important for us that we can provide an enterprising entrepreneurial environment.
Below, you can read about what Cphbusiness can offer.
What are Business idea workshops?
Business idea workshops are for people who have good ideas or who relish the idea of running their own enterprise, but who want help and advice on how to get started and eventually make money from their idea.
Workshops will regularly be held at Cphbusiness Søerne and Cphbusiness Lyngby which you can attend free of charge and find inspiration on how to develop your idea. The workshops are also an ideal opportunity to network, and perhaps find a partner from a different department.
The Business idea workshops comprise several stages. It is expected that you participate in the entire programme, and that you also work with your business idea between one workshop and the next.
At the Business idea workshops, you will find yourself working with idea-generating techniques, potential business models for your idea, team roles and market surveys in relation to unique selling points (USPs).
Inkubatoren is a formal shared office space for start-ups. The aim is to help young, serious entrepreneurs to turn their business ideas into a reality. You can join Inkubatoren providing you are able and keen to develop your business.
Work placement in own business (entrepreneurial internship)
At Cphbusiness, it is possible for all students on any of the programmes to work with their own business in connection with the obligatory work placement.
We believe that the experiences gained from starting and developing your own business give you competencies which are invaluable – both as an entrepreneur and as an employee. Through doing a work placement in your own business, you acquire relevant knowledge while at the same time being able to focus on developing your business.
Is it something for you?
If you are interested in doing your compulsory work placement in your own enterprise, it is important that you find out exactly what is expected of you.
You should also remember to read your curriculum, so that you are familiar with the learning objectives for the work placement for your particular programme. In addition, make sure that you talk to the person in charge of work placements from your programme who can help you to assess how your work placement can live up to the general guidelines and the specific learning objectives for your programme.
Don’t sit alone
When doing a work placement in your own business, it is usually a good idea to join an entrepreneurial environment. At Cphbusiness, there are two departments of Inkubatoren, a shared office environment for student start-ups. You can apply for admission to Inkubatoren on an equal footing with other Cphbusiness students.
You can find contact information for Cphbusiness’s entrepreneurial environment here.