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Hans-Christian Christiansen

Hans-Christian Christiansen


3615 4851

Cphbusiness Søerne,
Nansensgade 19
København K

Area of business at Cphbusiness

I currently work  within the field of digital media/intermedia and online-communications strategies. 

I also work with various projects focusing on changes in media education in the perspectives of digitization.

Educational background and work experience

Ph.d., Film & Media Studies and Information Technology (University of Copenhagen).

Over the last 25 years, I have been working within the field of teaching, communications and new-media development: theoretically and analytically, I have researched and lectured within a variety of academic settings (University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business Academy and Roskilde University among others) on the subject of ‘traditional’ media and ‘new’ (digital) media -developments, -uses and -cultures. In addition, I have written several textbooks, a number of which are currently being used as curricular material. I'm passionate about all things digital and what digital can do for business, and I have developed offline as well as on-line communications-strategies for various companies as well as I have undertaken the responsibility as IT Project Manager. I have also developed a platform for online educational material for teachers as well as I have produced a substantial amount of educational material (targeting different educational levels).


"Grafiske romaner"​ (Dansklærerforeningen 2015), With Mimi Olsen

"Onlinekommunikation - en introduktion"​ (Hans Reitzel 2015) With Gitte Rose et al

"Analyse af billedmedier - det digitale perspektiv"​ (Samfundslitteratur 2014) With Gitte Rose et al

"Læring med levende billeder"​ (Samfundslitteratur, 2010) With Gitte Rose et al

”Analyse af billedmedier” (Forlaget Samfundslitteratur, 2006/09). With Gitte Rose

"Københavns biografer" (Informations Forlag, 2006). With Catrine Werchmeister

”Tegneseriens æstetik” (Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 2001).

”Comics & Culture” (Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 2000). With Anne Magnussen