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Statum wins Cphbusiness Internship of the year 2020
Nicolai Petersen's internship at recruitment agency Statum won the best internship of the year award.
Video in Danish.
On April 20, five former interns met with the jury of Cphbusiness Internship of the Year 2020 - not physically, of course, but online - for a round of questions for each finalist and the announcement of the final winner.
It was five talented students with five excellent internships behind them, the jury met, said member of the jury, Nikolaj Lubanski, Director of Talent Attraction at Copenhagen Capacity, as he revealed the winner.
- It's a matter of finding the right match. Getting onto the right shelf that starts one's career and finding out where to come to your right and develop oneself. That's what the internships are all about, and I think that all five of you are great examples of that, he told the five finalists.
The finalists for Cphbusiness Internship of the Year have always been very different, and this year was no exception. The five internships that took part in the finals have taken place in everything from a bank to startup, trade union etc.
Sharing the good experience
The winner was revealed live on a video call with the jury and all the finalists, and once the news sank in, the winner Nicolai Petersen said this about his internship receiving the award.
- I'm insanely proud. Both of my own efforts and that I have found a place that has bothered to invest so much in me, and that others have also been able to see what both myself and Statum have gained from it, says Nicolai Petersen.
He nominated his internship to draw attention to the opportunities in the company.
- I hope that people would discover Statum and that future interns would see what they can do for you, both professionally and personally, if you have the right attitude - so that hopefully others can have the same great experience I've had, he says.
Extraordinary development
Cphbusiness Internship of the Year pays tribute to the good match between intern and internship company, and from Statum, there are only words of praise to the former intern and now employee.
- His development has been extraordinary, because every time he does something, he does it 100 per cent, and he's not afraid to look stupid, says Michael Dupont, Head of Operations at Statum.
It is meant as praise, because the desire to learn is important at Statum, and that means you can't be afraid of failure. If you are willing to learn from your mistakes, opportunities are plenty in the company, which also makes a great deal of recruiting interns who fit into the company culture, he says.
- In addition, we are a company that is growing and where you can get a lot of responsibility and a lot of tasks if you want to. In that sense, our interns are a big part of actually growing our company, while we, at the same time strive to provide a truly amazing experience and a lot of awesome learning for them, says Michael Dupont.
All quotes are translated from Danish.