Which career type are you?

The word “career” does not always mean black suits and boardrooms, because in reality we all have a career.

To have a career has traditionally been associated with moving up in an organization – getting a position with more responsibility, higher pay, and more status. The career concept today, however, is much broader.

The word career derives from the Latin word Carrera, which means road. The word career then refers to the path our career has taken and will take in the future – from the straight, hierarchal road to the more differentiated road with many different experiences.

To have a career means something different to most people.

Many still feel that a career is those who are highly motivated and with great ambition, such as CEO’s, entrepreneurs, lawyers, etc.

But at the end of the day, we all have a career. Your time on the job market can include various breaks and there may be bumps along the road.

The Decision Dynamics Career Model™ is a tool to uncover your motivational triggers and perception of what constitutes a good career.

According to model, there are 4 different career types. Do you see yourself in any of them?

The Expert Career Type:
These types make their career choice only once or target a specific occupation. To move upwards in the hierarchy means less to experience of success. What matters most is to master and thoroughly explore the skills, knowledge, and tasks connected to the expert’s choice of occupation.

The Linear Career Type:
These types focus on getting ahead and moving up in an organization. The Linear Career type is ambitious and aims for a manager position, perhaps even the role of CEO. What matters most is to create results, have power, and be promoted.

The Spiral Career Type:
Personal development and growth, as well as that of others, is very important to the Spiral Career type. Their career choice is developed through a number of occupational areas and typically last 3-5 years. Every new choice builds on a previous choice with the purpose of developing new skills in a sideway move - such as an HR employee first working in recruitment, then outplacement, and later on employer branding.

The Transitory Career Type:
The Transitory Career type often moves from one field to another and preferably very different ones. Variety and independence are most important and career choices often include frequent changes. Some would consider these types “drifters”, as they often changes jobs every 1-4 years.

It is important to know yourself well, in order to have a fulfilling working life. And, if you have some doubts about, these career types might help you better understand your preferences and any urges you may have to try out new areas or immerse yourself in.

We use our time at work, which is why it is so important that your career matches your preferences for a good working life.

Best wishes,

Anne Marie Valentin
Career advisor
+45 30 64 60 13